Book Club
Once a month on Thursday
6:00 PM The Zen Center is open
6:25 PM 5 min bell - proceed to the zendo (meditation hall)
6:30 PM Short round of meditation (15-20 min)
6:50 PM Walking meditation, kinhin
6:55 PM Book Discussion. We sit in a circle in the zendo. Jeff will explain the simple guidance before we start.
You don't have to read the book to participate.
8:20 PM Finishing circle.
Book Club Reading List
Upcoming Book Club. January 16, 2024 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
"Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives" by Dan Millman
If we have time, we will continue the discussion about “The Shamanic Bones of Zen: Revealing the Ancestral Spirit and Mystical Heart of a Sacred Tradition,” by Zenju Earthlyn Manuel
Future Reading List
One of these books will be selected for the next Book Club.
"Realizing Genjokoan: The Key to Dogen's Shobogenzo" by Shohaku Okumura
"The Silent Question: Meditating in the Stillness of Not-Knowing" by Toni Packer
"Lila: An Inquiry into Morals" by Robert M. Pirsig
Books we were reading
“Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse 02/2023
“Nine-Headed Dragon River - Zen Journals 1969-1982” by Peter Matthiessen 03/2023
(a naturalist, novelist, activist, explorer, and Zen teacher. His non-fiction works include “The Snow Leopard” and “In the Spirit of Crazy Horse.” His award-winning historical novel, “Killing Mister Watson,” is a fictionalized account of an infamous murder set in the Florida Everglades.)“Writing Down the Bones” by Natalie Goldberg 04/2023
“Don’t Be A Jerk, and Other Practical Advice from Dogen, Japan’s Greatest Zen Master” by Brad Warner 05/2023
“Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind,” a compilation of talks delivered by Shunryū Suzuki at the Los Angeles Zen Center and published in 1970. 06/2023
"Wild Ivy: The Spiritual Autobiography of Zen Master Hakuin" 07/2023
“Taking Our Places: The Buddhist Path To Truly Growing Up” by Norman Fischer 08/2023
"The life of Milarepa" 09/2023
"The Wheel Of Life And Death" by Philip Kapleau 10-11/2023
“Through Forests of Every Color” by Joan Sutherland 01/2024
"Memories, Dreams, Reflections" by Carl G. Jung 02/2024
"The Unborn: The Life and Teachings of Zen Master Bankei, 1622-1693" by Bankei, Norman Waddell 03/2024
"The Work of this Moment" by Toni Packer 04/2024
"Zen in the Art of Archery" by Eugen Herrigel 05/2024
“An Introduction to Zen Buddhism” by D. T. Suzuki. 07/2024
“The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind” translated by John Blofeld 09/2024
"One Robe, One Bowl: The Zen Poetry of Ryokan" translated by John Stevens 10/2024
“The Shamanic Bones of Zen: Revealing the Ancestral Spirit and Mystical Heart of a Sacred Tradition,” by Zenju Earthlyn Manuel 12/2024